Useful information

Useful information for beginners, it is recommended to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks with simple exercises. Build your lesson plan based on 1-2 basic exercises and a few auxiliary exercises

how to breathe correctly while running 609bcffb50f3a

How to breathe correctly while running?

Cardio is one of the essential elements of training for any athlete, be it bodybuilding, crossfit or other strength sports. It is very important to observe all the subtleties when performing exercises related to working out the heart muscle. The …

not squats alone 8212 why doesn 8217 t the butt grow and what to do about it 609bd02e121a8

Pilates system: exercises and basic principles

In our vastness, the body and mind improvement system called Pilates has gained popularity relatively recently. First as a fashionable trend, and later due to its unique properties, it has become a must-see program for every major fitness center. Pilates

diamond push up technique muscle work and variations 609bd0cf293d9
5 stretching exercises every weightlifter should do 609bd489e72a7
plyometric exercises 609bcf7787a43 2

Plyometric exercises

Plyometrics is a relatively new training technique, the main principle of which is to perform exercises as quickly as possible, and the positive phase of the amplitude is accompanied by a jump. A classic example of plyometric movement is push-ups …

how to breathe correctly 609bd3ac157ac

How to breathe correctly?

Breathing is the most important process of life. Thanks to him, the body is saturated with oxygen – an integral participant in all reactions and processes taking place in it. The ability to breathe is granted from birth, but the …