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While getting the right exercise is important for everyone, this is especially critical for children and pregnant women. A young, not yet formed body is significantly influenced by external factors, and the lack of understanding what kind of load to choose can lead to inharmonious development of the baby.

A woman experiences additional stress during pregnancy, since the entire body is rebuilt to meet the needs of the fetus. Physical activity during gestation will increase the chances of having a baby, as well as quickly recover from childbirth.

Physical activity of children

Restrictions on physical activity are not limited to the age of the person. From the moment the child is born, it is necessary to increase the muscle tone of the little man. In the first months of life, massage and movements of the baby’s arms and legs by the parents are considered the best method. Later, when the baby learns to walk, the practice of walking and activity in playgrounds will help maintain muscle tone, develop muscle mass, strength and endurance.

Physical activity of children should be adequate to the body’s capabilities and dosed, performed at certain hours in order not to overload the already fragile, unstable nervous system of the child.

Walking in the fresh air in the morning, as well as in the afternoon, will benefit the whole body. In addition to the positive aspects of physical activity listed above, walking in the sun will lead to the production of vitamin D. The main role of this vitamin is to ensure the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food for the n

ormal development of the baby’s organs. Lack of vitamin D intake leads to the development of complications in the form of rickets. Deformation of the bones of the skeleton is the main clinical manifestation of this disease.

When choosing physical activity for children, one should be guided by the child’s abilities and his individual preferences, as well as by the parents’ desire to harmoniously develop the baby. However, one should not expect quick results. The little man is just beginning his life. Every movement and sport is a novelty for him.

Swimming refers to physical activity that not only increase muscle tone, but also contribute to the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular system. It is important to swim properly – lowering your head in the water or swimming on your back.

Gymnastics is suitable primarily for little girls. Plasticity of movements, elasticity of tissues, flexibility, posture and liberation in movements will have a beneficial effect on the girl’s self-awareness in subsequent years, when she grows up.

How often should a child go to sports? – This question is asked by many parents. Keeping a balance of physical activity for children and mental development will lead to a full, harmonious development of the baby.

Physical activity during pregnancy

Due to the growth and development of the fetus, the abdomen increases in size; under the influence of hormones, the mammary glands swell, fluid is retained in the body. These and many other changes lead to an increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman.

Exercise is an integral component of a favorable pregnancy. At the same time, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to its implementation. Hiking is the optimal dosage load that allows you to maintain muscle tone and heart muscle function during gestation. It is known that women who devote at least two hours a day to walking in the fresh air are much easier to endure the period of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as recover faster after childbirth, return to their usual way of life.

Walking in the fresh air, they enrich the blood with oxygen necessary for the development of the fetus, contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, and allow not to gain excess weight during pregnancy. As a result, the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus and the development of a threatening condition for the pregnant woman and the fetus – preeclampsia, decreases.

The most frequent contraindications to physical activity during pregnancy are the threat of termination of pregnancy, isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

In addition to walking during pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications, a woman can attend yoga and Pilates classes, a swimming pool and aqua aerobics.

Each pregnancy is unique, which is why it is important to regularly visit the consultations of the attending obstetrician-gynecologist to determine the tactics of pregnancy management and the selection of the optimal type of physical activity.

UPN: evidence base

By increasing the VPN, I got amazing results. I achieved mass gain and strength gains, and it was definitely not an accident. The fact is that there is undeniable scientific evidence for the direct effect of UPN on muscle volume.

In 2012, a group of scientists conducted an experiment in which they studied the effect of increasing time under load on protein synthesis, the main indicator of muscle growth. In this experiment, eight men who trained their legs twice a week for at least two years performed 3 sets of one-leg extensions using 30% of their one-rep maximum. With one leg, the subjects did sets to failure with six-second concentric and six-second eccentric phases. They also performed sets to failure with the second leg, but with a 1-second concentric and 1-second eccentric phase.

Then the scientists performed a puncture biopsy of muscle tissue from both legs 6, 24 and 30 hours after the exercise … The difference in performance between the two strategies was staggering. After 6 hours, exercise-induced mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis was increased by 114 percent in the slow contraction leg and only 77 percent in the rapid contraction leg. After 24-30 hours, mitochondrial protein synthesis was increased by 175 percent and 126 percent, respectively.

These studies suggest that increased time under exertion can lead to increased muscle protein synthesis and a faster onset of the increased synthesis effect.