how to build muscle without harm to health 609bd390505b9 1

In all strength sports, the following situation is observed: with regular training, muscle volume increases slightly or remains unchanged. That is why the issue of gaining muscle mass does not lose its relevance.

Gaining muscle weight is a difficult task, especially when it comes to asthenic (ectomorphic) physique.

The problem can be solved very quickly, but this requires the use of strong anabolic drugs. However, this is fraught with consequences, since many of them have a whole “bouquet” of side effects. How can you solve this issue without harm to your health? This article will discuss the rules for gaining muscle mass based on natural remedies and safe methods .

Features of training depending on the type of physique

When planning to start exercising in the gym, first of all it is necessary to determine the type of physique. This is important, since they have fundamental differences, and it depends on the type which methods will be used to increase muscle mass.

The photo clearly shows the types of build: ectomorphic (the body is short, legs are long, hands and feet are narrow), mesomorphic (wide torso and shoulders, elongated upper part of the body, thick bones), endomorphic (round face, short neck, wide hips, significant body fat).

The owners of the first type – ectomorphs face the gratest number of difficulties – they require a special diet and regular training is not suitable. In the course of classes, such people are recommended to devote most of their time to basic exercises aimed at working out the largest muscles. It is important to pay attention to your hips, back and chest first.

Thin people do not need any intricate exercises on simulators. In their case, training with dumbbells will be more beneficial. Moreover, such exercises can be performed at home. Just 6-8 sets for each element and muscle mass will begin to increase.Как накачать мышцы без вреда для здоровья

In all strength sports, the following situation is observed: with regular training, muscle volume increases slightly or remains unchanged. That is why the issue of gaining muscle mass does not lose its relevance.

Gaining muscle weight is a difficult task, especially when it comes to asthenic (ectomorphic) physique.

The problem can be solved very quickly, but this requires the use of strong anabolic drugs. However, this is fraught with consequences, since many of them have a whole “bouquet” of side effects. How can you solve this issue without harm to your health? This article will discuss the rules for gaining muscle mass based on natural remedies and safe methods .

Features of training depending on the type of physique

When planning to start exercising in the gym, first of all it is necessary to determine the type of physique. This is important, since they have fundamental differences, and it depends on the type which methods will be used to increase muscle mass.

The photo clearly shows the types of build: ectomorphic (the body is short, legs are long, hands and feet are narrow), mesomorphic (wide torso and shoulders, elongated upper part of the body, thick bones), endomorphic (round face, short neck, wide hips, significant body fat).

The owners of the first type – ectomorphs face the greatest number of difficulties – they require a special diet and regular training is not suitable. In the course of classes, such people are recommended to devote most of their time to basic exercises aimed at working out the largest muscles. First of all, it is important to pay attention to the hips, back and chest.

Thin people do not need any intricate exercises on simulators… In their case, training with dumbbells will be more beneficial. Moreover, such exercises can be performed at home. Just 6-8 sets for each element and muscle mass will begin to increase.

Nutrition: basics and features

In the matter of gaining muscle mass Special nutrition will significantly help, which will be especially effective if the choice of products is rationalized. Naturally, you cannot eat everything without restrictions, although many lovers advise this.

For example, in the case of endomorphs , a diet based on “fast” (simple) carbohydrates will lead to the fact that they will begin to accumulate subcutaneous fat. Ectomorphs will face a different problem – energy will be quickly processed without participating in the synthesis of new protein… That is, a fat person will begin to gain weight and his muscles can hardly be seen behind a layer of fat, and a thin person will perhaps become more enduring and stronger, but remain thin.

So , nutrition should be varied, sufficient and correct. If this issue is given proper attention, muscle mass will increase regardless of body type.

There are several rules that bodybuilding experts recommend and adherence to which will allow you to achieve the desired result:

  • There is no need to achieve weight gain by any means. At the very beginning, the indicators may change slightly or not at all. But if you do everything right, the effect will be necessary. Uncontrolled eating will overload the body, and negative consequences will not keep you waiting.
  • You should drink enough water , as this affects weight gain. It is known that the bulk of the body in the body is fluid, so growth without its intake is impossible.
  • Frequent meals, including snacks. Fractional nutrition is used in the treatment of diseases and problems with stomach. However, its beneficial effects have also been noted in bodybuilding. Due to the frequent intake of food, amino acids and glucose are constantly supplied to the body. With this regime, catabolism processes that lead to protein breakdown do not have time to start.
  • Before training, it is recommended to eat foods containing slow carbohydrates, and after – fast ones . In the first case, these are beans, cereals, vegetables; in the second – chocolate, confectionery (baked goods), gainers. Slow carbohydrates are consumed by the body for a long time, and fast carbohydrates almost immediately enter the bloodstream.


Why do bodybuilders unanimously declare the need to eat meat? The fact is that proteins are composed of amino acids, it is from them that muscle cells are produced. Meat, in turn, is the main source of protein necessary for building the body.

It is important that the diet includes mainly lean meat, such as rabbit, poultry, veal. The share of protein in the daily diet should account for about 30%. The recommended daily serving of pure meat is about 200 grams. It is also important to consume other protein products such as fish, cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products, legumes.


To lay “bricks” -amino acids, builders are needed and carbohydrates play this role. It is thanks to them that all metabolic processes are carried out in the body. The daily intake of carbohydrates can be determined independently at the rate of 3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

With a deficiency of carbohydrates, the body begins to look for other sources of energy and uses muscle tissue as “fuel”. And if this happens, the trainings can be safely called pointless. The percentage of carbohydrates in the daily diet should be about 60%. Recall that you should eat foods rich in carbohydrates before and after exercise (not forgetting about slow and fast ones). At the same time, complex carbohydrates should account for the bulk of the carbohydrate part of the diet.

Unprocessed rice, cereals (buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), whole-grain bread, fruits and vegetables can be considered as a source of slow carbohydrates.


There is an opinion that fats are the undeniable enemies of the body and almost all of humanity as a whole. However, this is clearly exaggerated. Of course, there is little benefit from animal fats, but you cannot completely abandon them. The fact is that the basis for the production of testosterone is lipid compounds… Therefore, fats should also be present in the diet, but no more than 10-15% per day. Eggs, vegetable oil, seeds, fatty fish, nuts are rich in healthy fats.


Antioxidants are necessary for the body to to deal with free radicals that pose a potential threat to him. Namely, their body, and in large quantities, produces the body during training. In addition, for the production of male hormone, not only vitamins are needed, but also trace elements, especially zinc.

Special supplements

Increase efficiency home workouts aimed at increasing muscle mass, you can use various protein supplements. These include amino acids, gainers, and creatine. It should be noted that the listed supplements have nothing to do with anabolic steroids, but are natural substances the same as conventional products with the only difference that they are concentrated and absorbed faster.

If a girl needs to gain muscle mass, then the rules and principles described above apply and provide the same effect. The only thing to remember is the tendency of a woman’s body to deposit fat. That is why it is recommended to reduce the above-mentioned proportion of fat in the daily diet.