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Pilates system: exercises and basic principles

In our vastness, the body and mind improvement system called Pilates has gained popularity relatively recently. First as a fashionable trend, and later due to its unique properties, it has become a must-see program for every major fitness center. Pilates


Benefits of walking

This kind of vigorous activity, like walking, is the result of the work of various muscle groups. Their activation helps to keep the whole body in good shape. During walking, not only muscles and limbs are involved, but neurophysiological and …

10 tips how to become slimmer and more attractive 609bd2bbc0e36

10 Tips: How to Become Slimmer and More Attractive

General recommendations

Many women confuse slimness with pathological thinness. A reliably established medical fact is the need for a certain amount of fat for the normal functioning of the female body. It promotes regular menstruation and normal conception. A certain

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Body fat percentage: how to find out, photo examples

Previously, the Human Body Mass Index was used to determine overall health. Today, body fat percentage is tracked for this purpose.

There are many articles on this topic that include determining this indicator using tables, formulas or other methods. This

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